Why photovoltaics from
What technologies we use
Patented frameless construction
Full Black 430 Wp impresses with its attractive design and is ideal for every application.
A three-phase asymmetric inverter from Neoom that enables the connection of battery storage systems.
The batteries can be expanded to the tower starting at 11.23 kWh . Thanks to strict manufacturing processes, it can withstand well over 6,000 cycles. We offer a long 10-year guarantee on the battery .
Mehr über NEOOM-Produkte
Mehr über FRONIUS-Produkte
Heat pumps were installed
Photovoltaic power plants were installed
What is the solution?
1. Photovoltaic modules with a 20-year guarantee against mechanical defects and a 30-year guarantee on 85% of the performance
2. Neoom battery storage for controlling and managing your photovoltaic system
✔ Three-phase solution
✔ Integrated asymmetrical inverter with an output of 10 kW
✔ Optional battery capacity from 9.6 kWh
✔ The capacity can be increased at any time by adding another battery module
✔ Batteries enable more than under specified conditions
9000 charging cycles
✔ Maximum power per phase 3.33 kVA
✔ Device guarantee 10 years, battery capacity 15 years
✔ Passive cooling reduces the noise level
✔ 4 operating variants
✔ Economical winter mode
Find out what photovoltaic system you need!
Our online calculator will help you choose the ideal system for your home.
Just enter a few details about your consumption and roof and in a few moments you will find out how many panels and what power plant capacity would be most suitable for you.
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